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January 2025

Happy New Year!


Here we are in 2025. Another year ahead and a chance for us to bring back our power.


Empowerment. What is it?


Defined empowerment is the authority given to someone to do something.


It is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.


Let's focus on the latter.


What can we do to regain our power?


First and foremost it's time to quit making excuses, quit blaming others or our circumstances and take responsibility for our own lives, our wants, our needs and most importantly our own happiness.


Let's begin by paying attention to our choices, our decisions and our reasons for doing or not doing.


Self-awareness allows us to notice what arises, our thoughts and emotions. The goal is to accept without judgement, taking responsibility so that we can let go and grow.


If we allow for more self-compassion, we will regain our personal power, allowing us to act, make necessary changes, deepening our connection with ourselves to lead us on the path of where we are meant to be!


Let's start 2025 by owning it! 


"This is your world. Shape it or someone else will."

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